This is just for shit and giggle that and Im hella bored ..LOL
1. Become prime minister / president? Hex
2. Get arrested this weekend? Karl? (nothing personal, Karl. LOL)
3. Come out of the closet? Does the broom closet count?
4. Get on the front cover of Playboy/Playgirl?
5. Get caught in a sex scandal? LMAO....
6. Shag a rock star? Whorespice
7. Get drunk this weekend? Karl
8. Move to a different country? Cassie
9. Star in a porno? NO idea
10. Become famous for all the wrong reasons? Hex
11. Get married and live happily ever after? Cassie
12. Get arrested for possession of a deadly weapon? Hex....on his way to a BCW event
13. Be found handcuffed naked to a lamppost? Karl if he gets drunk enough
14. Receive the Nobel Peace Prize? Karl (thought I'd give him something nice)
15. Still be on this board on 5 years? Hex, Cassie, Karl, Kesse.....just about everyone
16. Still be wearing the same clothes tomorrow morning? Karl? (boy I'm picking on him today. Sorry dude!)
17. Get caught in a political scandal? NO idea
18. Make people smile today? Caddie
19. Make someone cry today? Me
20. End up hooking up with someone off the board?